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How Can You Increase Your Bench Press?

Are you wondering can dumbbell bench press increase your bench press? The great thing about the wide variety of exercises that are available for the bench press is that it can be used for every body type, every workout routine and in every fitness level. That is why it is considered one of the most adaptable exercises that there is. There is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it so follow these simple rules to maximize your results.


The dumbbell bench press is an exercise that can be done by virtually anyone. However, you need to start out using a weight that is appropriate for your body type and keep that weight on the side. Your legs will be the largest muscle groups involved in the bench press and you want to engage those muscles as much as possible. Once you have started to build up your legs, you can raise the weights and lower them slowly. You should always be working on the bigger muscles of your chest and back, since they are the ones that make up the majority of your bench press.


Another common question regarding how can dumbbell bench press increase your bench press is whether you should use free weights or machines. In my experience I have found that using free weights is usually better for building a solid foundation for your bench press than using machines. I like machines because you can also incorporate a wide range of motion which is a must for any good bench press. Machines can also force you to take your proper posture which won't help your chest at all.


A good way to get started with dumbbell bench press increase is to first pick up a pair of dumbbells and some cable cross bars. I recommend that you first use dumbbells for sets of eight to ten, while you slowly add the cable bars after four sets. This will give you a total of sixteen exercises in your first workout.


The next step in this article in how can you increase your bench presses per day is to know which exercises to focus on. First consider your legs and thighs. Squats are great for building strength in your legs, but most people don't perform these properly. To do squats, you need to keep your knees straight, bend your waist at a 90 degree angle and keep your chest straight. Make sure that you use enough weight so that you can only curl your torso up to parallel. That means keeping your hands flat on the floor when you perform the exercise.


The next thing that I want to discuss in my article how can you increase your dumbbell bench press is your back. Because your back is such an important component of the bench press, I want to give it the same attention that I give to my legs and chest. To strengthen your back properly you should do bent over rows, stiff-leg dead lifts and cable flyes. These exercises work on your back much the same way that they do on your legs and chest.

En savoir plus sur l'auteur

ALEX Michaels